Here for you
Hull Sisters is not just a charity, but a sisterhood.
We are the lifeline for women uncomfortable using mainstream services – the vital source of confidential support to help Black and minority women feel safe, confident, and part of their community.
What we do
We offer a safe, empowering, all-female space where our clients can build relationships and access the support they need.
Hull Sisters believes every woman has the right to live a happy and fearless life. That’s why we offer a safe, empowering, all-female space where our clients can build relationships and access the support they need.
We support women facing violence, abuse, discrimination, oppression, poverty and issues with immigration, health and welfare rights. Our service is specialist, culturally appropriate and fully equipped to help those with complex needs.
Our multilingual staff provide support where there are language barriers to those seeking support from mainstream services.
We Advocate
We Provide
We Empower
Our numbers speak for themselves
We’re helping more women and their families every week.